

Not You
The solid ground I count on

shifts and crumbles beneath my feet

With nothing real to cling too

my desperate souls left incomplete...


I'm insecure...

and uncertain about us.

I don't know how we lost our way

Or why in your eyes I see disgust

The darkness,


as we speak...

my soul is changed,


If this is it,

I swear,

I'm done.

I will not love again.


I can't believe your smile's gone.

I should have paid attention.

I wish now,

that I'd have shared

those feelings I failed to mention...

I'm sorry for all I didn't do.

I hate letting you down.

Crazy thoughts swirl in my head

My eyes won't leave the ground.

I wish I knew a long time ago

that you would never dare

fall for me like I have you

It's too late now,

I'm scared.

I say goodbye

through tightly clenched teeth

I wish you wouldn't go

I wish we had remained just friends

I guess we should have known.

Find yourself some needed peace

And become who you long to be

So that perhaps someday soon

You can fondly think of me.

Heidi Shavill