

You Vs me
you may have taken away my freedom
But you cannot take away the freedom of my mind
It can think what I want
It can imagine what I want
You may think I'm under your observation
You can observe my physical presence
But you cannot observe my mental presence
You can see the writings what I write on paper
But you cannot see the writings what I write in my imagination.
You may restrict me from writing my thoughts on a piece of paper
But you cannot restrict me from writing my thoughts on my heart
You may see my physical behaviour
But you cannot see my mental behaviour
You may know my ideas which I told you
But you don't know my ideas which I don't told you.
You may think I have no ways except surrendering to you
But you don't know how I create ways to achieve my dreams
You thought you are following me everywhere
But there are few places where you can't follow me
You thought that there is no option for me except to write infront of you
But see how I find an option to hide my writings for you
You thought that a girl has no choice to select their lifestyle
But here I proved you wrong
