

Love's Mosaic: A Journey of Definition
Defining love has always been a challenge for mankind,
Yet within its enigma, beauty we find.
Endless are the definitions penned, yet not all ring true,
My own definition, incomplete, like a hut anew.

Each day, words are added, like bricks in a mason's hand,
Crafting a definition, a journey unplanned.
More than the words, it's the journey's delight,
Seeking love's essence, in every day and night.

In a child's eyes, sparkling with awe,
In a suffering soul, offering solace raw.
In lovers' hands, intertwined in stride,
In silence shared by an elderly bride.

When rain pours down, and the sun peeks through,
A divine embrace, like tears kissed by dew.
Love's definition, a mosaic of sights,
In the wonders of the world, its essence ignites.


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