

The Wind Of Forgiveness
In whispered breath, the wind of grace does blow,
Through leaves of time, its gentle currents flow.
It carries tales of old, of wrongs and tears,
Yet whispers hope of healing through the years.

With every gust, forgiveness finds its way,
A balm for wounds that once caused hearts to sway.
It stirs the embers of compassion's fire,
And grants the broken souls a chance to aspire.

The wind of pardon, swift and ever kind,
Erases scars, leaves bitterness behind.
It sweeps through hearts, like a soothing, gentle breeze,
And offers solace to all who seek its ease.

In the embrace of this forgiving gale,
We find redemption, a love that will not fail.
Let go of anger, let the healing start,
For in forgiveness, we mend every broken heart.
© WisdomWords