

Scrolls of the Dead
Darkness embrace thee at last thou shall witness
Born under the shadows of a Weeping Widow
His voice restrained by forces far beyond
Wicked and Boney fingers cast their conjuring spell upon this place. Every step he takes forward has been written in the scrolls forbidden
Wanted by the Whore of Babylon as she is devoured by the Beast
Demons and Mindless humans thrown scraps at the final feast
Time expired, the hands of time have ceased
The line between their dimension and Earth
Vomiting Creatures from Ocean Depth
Finally at last their feet feel Cool Earth have Crept
Far too long their forced silence they've slept
Awakened to find their bellies empty of sin
Waiting for their Cue, as thou hast witnessed the calling of the Damned
The Wretched Legions Fires fanned by Heavens wings hast fanned
Burning embers of debauchery with flesh aroma for many a mile
Oh. I have not yet begun to defile
As Legion has no loyalty, to no one not even Hell
The Fallen Ones legs finding his weight as not to have fell
Climbing heaps of bodies lay rotten as they fester
Putrifactions Scent of Lust roll across the Plain
Climbing off Babylons Whores from fruitful trees of Woe
With his Sychle of hopelessness these fields shall he mow
Craving the torture of the lake of ice and frozen blood
The feeling of entrails between his toes as sensations of putrid mud
The giving of their Souls is not theirs to offer unto him
Tricking Mankind with depression of their mind
No remorse or empathy with every naked sin
Heaven's Armored Saints and Martyrs, Knights of Templar mounted on Steeds bred for Ritcheous Battle
Wait on San Miguels hand to drop as they've waited for his return
Feeling the signs of his second coming watching Earth like Hawks in battle
Following every step he takes and every city he'll burn
Corralling him into a corner they thought only to witness a distraction they bought
Capturing him for eternal imprisonment instead
A better suiting scenario then collecting his severed and cursed head.
© Dale A Martinez