

So here I am, in this park, sitting on this bench, day after day, making my rounds, as I, take a rest, from my journeys, my travels, as I am, people watching, with my cart, next to me, carrying my worldly possessions, being a person, among all, the other people, of the world, by being one, of the many, different races, of all creeds, of all religions and yet, I am not treated, the same, as I feel, as though, at times, like I am, the only one here, for I, could stand, in a crowd and scream, but nobody, could hear me, or I, could walk, past you, but you, would not see me, or I, could say, what is on, my mind, but you, would not hear me, for I feel, like I am, invisible, but I, do exist, having thoughts, having feelings, having a heart, a soul, being so much more, than others, might think, of me, as I, have a right, to say, how I feel, a right, to do, what I wish, a right, to worship, how I want, all with rights, but because, of a situation, out of my control, I have had, everything, my career, my home, my money and even my wife, taking my daughter, which includes, my dignity, all have been, taken from me.

So now, as I sit, you show up, as you, always have, for the past, few months, as you, spend time, with me, talking, giving me food, wondering why, wondering, what I did, to deserve, such an wonderful, sweet angel, as you, as you, to lift my spirits, as I, thought I, was invisible, but not, to you, proving that, when you said, out of the blue, you wanted me, to come home, as you, gave me a hug, in saying, love you daddy.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs