

For how long would I be tied up?
Caged in the shadows cast by my own lies—
Voice are muffled; hands are cuffed
Let me be free, before this dream dies

How can I find liberty in this murk?
I hold the light and hues but I was supressed
As the questioning eyes of the society lurk
How could this little dream be expressed?

But this has got to cease
Won't let their stares push me back to frame
As I'm tired to hide, I'm tired to please
Letting this voice out 'cause my time has just came

From thy shadows, I want to rise
Waking up the courage from a forced slumber;
Letting them see what's within my eyes—
That I am no longer their prisoner

For years, I was engulfed with doubt and fear
As I have been into silent torments and debacles
But 'tis now ended and my declaration was clear—
I am now free and out from these shackles.

© akiroxx