

Nature's Whispers
We live in a world of noise and haste,
We chase after money and power and fame,
We forget to listen to the whispers of nature,
That speaks to us in subtle and gentle ways.

Nature, gives us life and sustenance and beauty,
It nurtures us with air and water and food,
It blesses us with seasons and cycles and harmony.

But we are not grateful for nature’s gifts,
We take them for granted and abuse them,
We pollute the air and water and land,
We disrupt the balance and harmony of nature.

Nature whispers in our hearts,
With soothing rain and blooming flowers,
It fills us with joy and peace,
And heals us from within.

Nature whispers in the wind and the waves,
It tells us to be calm and peaceful,
Nature whispers in the birds and the bees,
It tells us to be joyful and free.

Nature whispers in the flowers and...