

Wind brushes against my feathers as I glide through the heavens.

The world bellow me, vast, stretches for miles.

The landscape bathed in sunset rays and mishapen specks, is still a wonder to me.

The sky filled wisped clouds is light and serene.

I look at the world through my small brown eyes, hungry for adventure.

I watch the mountains stand tall beside the patches of trees.

I see the tiny specks scatter benteath me into bushes and behind stones.

My heart belongs to the sky but my mind to the land.

The many wonders I see each day fill me with excitement and yet I can not follow them.

For I am me.

They are them.

I belong to the sky.

They belong to the earth.

My wings sore here.

My feathers ruffle in the wind.

My heart sings.

My life complete.

At least it should be.

© FragmentsInTheWind