

The good ol days
Wishing back for my old past
if only that came true I pray
Longing back for my young youth
Like a button to rewind and replay
Showing us two roads, one paths
Taking the fun ones, the fun way
Ah yes now but how can I forget
Our drawbacks setbacks castaway
The budding sun, a fresh morning
Bright Blue, the calm skies every day
Going outside running around the
Field of pure green grass to play
We baby sparrows fledging in the
White clouds flying so high away
Like Heroes with eyes of excitement
Worries as felon put in a stack of hay
Our joy of laughter trading only a
Free smile never ever to buy or pay
Then the orange ball set like our hearts
Turning to almost there but not grey

Time affecting age
Memories fading away
Like the good ol days
© Humzee sparrow