

A Sacred Duty
Today I got out of bed with a start
With a burden that laid quite heavy on my heart

I dropped to my knees and prayed a silent prayer
One that I never really prayed before
It was more of a cry for help you see
One that was oozing with urgency

I asked God to show me how to witness to all the world today,
but He responded,
"You don't need to tell the whole world my dear, only those you meet on your way

I have placed your neighbours and colleagues in your care
And I've given you a message I need you to share,
But day after day that message goes unsaid
Because you haven't allowed yourself to be led.

All that you need has already been provided
You have a testimony of all that you've been through
And only you can do what I have called you to do.

I'm not asking you to preach to the hundreds and thousands
I'm not asking you to sing great ballads in my name.
I'm not asking you to write stories and manuscripts about me
I'm not asking you to create great works of art or build monuments to be seen.

I'm simply asking you to tell your neighbour what I have done for you.
Show them your scars and talk about the battles we've won
Tell them of your journey from darkness to light
Tell of the love, no... show them the love that you recieve from me each day
And one by one, little by little, day by day, they will come to know me too
Because you, in your own little corner, did what I called you to do".

Jan, 2023

© Chrys White