

A womans strength
Her eyes gleamed with the light
Of her inner strength,
She had walked miles,
Not worried about the length. For her family she will always fight,
to her death and with all her might.
Haunting memories attack her mind,
She wont grow weak, husband and boy she will find.
Taunting her to collapse was the heat, as a woman, she will not flounder, as a mother, she will not be beat.
Elevan days and ten nights, her swollen feet tracked those savage men. Revealing her families fate, plays no part in the way this all will end.
With tears of agony, her heart strikes violently against her chest.
Sorrow nipping at her stale consciousness, she promises to do her best.
Sudden rush through her sturdy body like a flood, fear and joy transforms to rage and anger with the boiling of her blood.
The morning sun reflects off her swinging dagger,
three men dropped with such ease before she staggers.
Standing before her, with a dreadful stench is the tattoo'd hand, holding her child, he satiricly threatens with the squeezing of the leather band.
Quickly she is snatched and weapon revoked. The fire inside her increases dangerously with each stroke.
She screams from deep within, for her husband she crying out,
her voice echoes through his ears, quickly erasing all his dought.
With one swift movement he took the blade, a long deep cut he engraved. The savage falls the child's free, the husbands life has siezed to be.
In perfect rythum she moved fast her knife sang as her body danced. The battle won she cries with joy, as she held her baby boy. Sadly puts her husband in the grave, then stands tall for she is a woman she is brave.
