

Getting over you
It’s was heartbreaking
how I was just a chapter for you
not even a proper chapter
just a crude passage
an undone manuscript
a messy plot

you were the whole book for me
you were the book I wish I could trap my life in it pages
the book I spent nights writing and days overthinking

the day will come
when I will take that book
each chapter named after you
and place it
somewhere far
on the tallest shelf
with the other forgotten books
with pages all worn
tearing covers
fading ink
and place it in the very back of my mind

I have already begun
collecting the dust
I will conceal your name with

a simple insignificant chapter
or a whole complete book
it doesn’t matter
we were both worth the read
but our ending was full of pain

I loved you too much
and you, not even enough.


© Fatima