

Character ?
It is she who is the owner of a million bucks,
But look at her condition now, they say that it's all her luck!
Her family conspired and entrapped her into a cage of accusation,
Without any rhyme or reason or a prior conversation!
When she was at the peak of her career,
Towards her haters, her fame could stand as a barrier-
But now when the agitated masses curse upon her,
Her confidence trembles and crumbles with fear!
When she gets showered with curses and ill remarks,
She can hear the voices of a few who still rejoice her spark!
They've taken her to the court,to the jail and what not!
But a few know that these mere actions cannot dictate her CHARACTER for which she's fought!
She's been kicked,jeered at,bankrupted and caged
But SHE knows that behind the bars of prison,her life would not get wasted..

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