

Broken Lullabies
Broken Lullabies

Babies fighting for a chance to live, Gasping for air, clouds of despair, drowning their innocence, siblings are mourning,Senseless death. Tiny souls bear the scars, Of this unjustified terror.

I ache to hold them close,To give them more than most.To be a mother's grace,In such a godforsaken place.

We are privileged, our blue October skies,Meanwhile, they face the night,Darkness and terror reign, with no end in sight.

My heart shreds, I admit,For our collective guilt is lit.I want to close my eyes, I'm tired of this.But why should I rest while they're oppressed?God, if you exist, give them my rest.

Through a screen, we see the deprivation, Then sleep in peace all through the night. What does it say of you and me, When suffering's just another feed?

God, if you're there, intervene.In this horrifying, grotesque scene.For these innocent souls, we plead,For love, more than our posts, they need.

© RebekahRainnPoetry