

The Little Breeze

The little breeze
came whistling in
and whispered to my ear
"Come out of here
the world awaits
to precious to stay in here"

The little breeze
it coerced me
out of my darkened room
I walked into the world outside
directly away from my personal gloom

Oohh how I thank
that little breeze
that whispered in my ear!

It kept talking
so I kept walking
into the neighboring trees
I felt the grass betwixt my toes
I breathed the musk of
wooden rows
of beauteous symmetry

I chased a butterfly
as it flew
and landed so effortlessly

I danced to the sound
of the woodpeckers beat
I felt he beat that drum
just for my feet

Finally I sat down
on the roots
of what looked
like a baobab tree
exhilarated by my traipse
through the forest menagerie

The breeze
it kissed my cheek goodbye
and left me so graciously
engaged in natural revelry
at this worlds' wondrous beauty.
© QueenCandaAtiya