

I was white-Lying...

May my soul cried a lot,
I know I've been lying so long
if that makes you happy
what can I do?
continuing it, is the thing I owe...

I'm sorry that's what I yelled
to my heart
I can't repeat the truth
to make you understand
and there are incidents
you never understand
why I lied...
but I'm sorry
I lied to you...

To me
you're important
that's why I did
I swear I haven't
lied so big
just little that never make
you so deep to cry...

May my soul seek for
your forgiveness
I try my best to stop lying
because I'm in a constricted
situation...where I can't be me
to live, but someone other
to Survive...

I'm sorry, I was lying...
today this time
I'll try my best
to be truthful

© Sky's tales


It suddenly poured out from my heart, without any verse but with meanings...
and yes...I was lying...🖤 and I can't help it... seeing you is happiness...I was just speaking lies than being silent, which is disconnecting the bonds forever 🖤

One day I'll be brave to say you my life...
and I know this wasn't so much big kinda lie at all...a general lie which helps in living to be precise, Of a "White Lie" it is✨
