

Letter to Abbie
Dear ten year old Abbie,

We got the house and the car.
We travelled to countries far.

Your tears finally dried for the soulmate that went late,
Into the forever night.

We got the bags, the shoes, the diamonds.
Now we're not really sure what to do with them at the moment.

Your spirit of ambition got you the job, not the dream job,
But we can't all get that which we want.

We haven't got the kids yet but mom has stopped making us regret.
Beautiful, starry eyed Abbie, the light in our eyes have dimmed, the strength in our bones is waning from each day of mindless living.

Young, innocent Abbie, we don't recognize ourselves anymore, our innocence long gone into a world that has taken without giving.

We got the life,
Just full of more strife.
I wish Abbie you could see us now, then maybe you wouldn't have been in a rush to run into the crowd.

Your thirty old self,

© 0506girly