

Isaiah 1:21
How is the faithful city become an harlot!
it was full of judgement; righteousness lodged
in it; but now murderers.

Thursday nights I dreamed that I had a gun a rifle
I looked up the biblical meaning which meaning
was being armed with the word of God.

Psalms 10:7
His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud under his tongue is mischief and vanity.

I took this scripture to mean that I was being bad mouthed by someone or someones but I am to not bad mouth them back but to use Bible scriptures.
But I stopped writing scriptures.

Last night I dreamed that I was in a city that I knew everybody but no one that I knew was there that it was full of strangers it's meaning to me was

Isaiah 1:21
How is the faithful city become an harlot it was full of judgement; righteousness lodged in it but now murderers

How I use to be all for the Lord putting the Lord first in my life but not anymore. I use to listen to the Lord no matter what was said or done to me,
I use to be faithful to the Lord but not anymore
use to not say or think bad things
the dream meant that I use to have a good spirit that lived within me but not anymore.

The scripture said to me,
where have that believer in Lord gone they use to be a faithful believe but not anymore.

Plain and simple:
Father I may slip and fall beneath your blessings and grace and I'm sorry please forgive me.
Lord all I ask is that you keep bringing me back to
you Lord hold my soul.
In Jesus name

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