

signing off

Yes some of the new journeys starts with the goodbye. Where I am the guilty for that reason, but happy for that reason. Behind every reason their is me who is repressing my emotions because of the fear of loosing them forever. Some of the emotions are exposed without any reason but it has the deep meaning within it called as sorrow. Their are no emotions other than sorrow because behind every reason their is an untold story called loosning,the meaning of loosning is that not to be being afraid but to realize what they are actually is that matters a lot in the way we describe our emotions to others, so being emotionally strong makes you wiser and think about present moment where this situation rarely comes in everyone's life to describe that what the present means in real life, at my point of view present is the bridge between the two spot. The one where our journey starts called past and another one where is our future demand between this the bridge decides how to analyse the situation.

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