

Lament of the Midnight Rain
Beneath the cloak of a darkened night's embrace,
A solitary soul weaves a tale of heartbreak and grace.
Raindrops fall, like teardrops from the sky,
A symphony of sorrow, a lullaby.

Crying in the rain, where shadows dance,
Each droplet echoing a lost romance.
In the obsidian canvas of the midnight air,
Love's fragments scattered, beyond repair.

Silhouetted against the moonlit mist,
A figure weeps, by memories kissed.
The pitter-patter on the streets, a mournful sound,
As heartache unfolds, in quiet surrounds.

Whispers lost, carried away by the breeze,
Love's unraveling, caught in the trees.
Darkness conceals the ache within,
Aching for a touch, where to begin?

Through the veil of tears, a world distorted,
Promises shattered, feelings contorted.
In the symphony of the night's gentle weep,
A broken heart's secrets, in shadows, keep.

So, beneath the celestial cascade,
A lone soul mourns, in solitude laid.
Crying in the rain, a poignant art,
A love story written, torn apart.