

Warrior of love
I knew it would hurt
But I didn't know it would hurt that bad

I think if I knew
I would've begged you to stay

What a selfish request
Begging you to stay
When you're hurting to death

Just so I wouldn't have to endure
The pain i go through since you died

Don't mistake me
Seeing you suffer like you did
Broke me to pieces

I'm sure I'm far from knowing
All the suffering you went through

I'm sure my pain is nothing
Compared to your pain

A pain you endured for years
Out of hope at first
A hope that turned to anger
Until all you had left was love

A precious love you shared with me

Through your teary eyes and your pain
I saw you fight harder than any warrior

Through your screams and exhaustion
Through your fear, out of breath
Barely able to walk

You kept fighting
You kept trying
To find a way out of this darkness

So you could love me one more day
So we could keep building
Our future together

Don't blame yourself for loosing this battle
You won so many already
You fought so hard
You fell so many times
And always got back up on your feets
And kept walking

So please rest well
My dear warrior

I love you
I miss you

© Ytha