

Monsoon Vis-a-Vis Mental State
The long awaited monsoon is here,
On the window panes, the sound of pitter-patter is heard,
One of my all time favourite season,
Finally a relief from the heat that hit us...

On the other hand,
Also the season of depression sinking in,
Anxiety and loneliness paves in,
Something about it also makes me sad,
It is not deliberate,
But the side effects of mental health...

As much as I love monsoon,
I'm wary of the mixed feelings that will ensue,
I wait for it all year long,
But I also know how I'll transform,
Like a pendulum my moods will swing,
From happy to sad to nothing...

This time I want to enjoy the rains,
Without it affecting my mental state...

© Polkola
#rain #depression #anxiety #mood #mentalhealth #Life&Life #fun #Happiness