

Alphabet's Love
A begins the journey, soft and serene,
Beneath the moon's glow, love's tender scene.
C captures whispers, secrets untold,
Dancing in dreams, a love story unfolds.

E's embrace, like a gentle breeze,
Fanning the flames of passion with ease.
Gentle H, a harbor in the storm,
Illuminating paths, love's true form.

J joins hearts in a jubilant dance,
Kisses exchanged in a fleeting glance.
Lingers M, in the depths of desire,
Mysteries of love, fueling the fire.

N nurtures bonds, steadfast and true,
Oceans of affection, endless and blue.
Passion ignites, like a flickering flame,
Quivering with R, love's sweet refrain.

S sings of longing, in twilight's embrace,
Tracing the stars, each a lover's grace.
Under the veil of night, T takes flight,
Unraveling mysteries, love's pure delight.

Velvet touch of U, in tender caress,
Whispers of love, in the silence confess.
X marks the spot, where hearts unite,
Yearning in Z, under moon's soft light.

Zephyrs of love, in the alphabet's dance,
26 letters weave, a tale of romance.
From A to Z, love's language divine,
Guiding souls together, in a serenade sublime.
© Yogen