

The Social Web: A Poetic Reflection
In the realm where pixels dance
A digital world, we take our chance.
Social media a tangled thread
Binding hearts with words unsaid.

Through screens we peer a virtual gaze
Captured in the digital maze.
Connections forged with a click
Yet shadows lurk, unseen and thick.

Likes and shares, the currency of the day
Shaping opinions in an endless fray.
Validation sought in every scroll,
As we navigate this cyber shoal.

But beware the siren's call
As social media casts its thrall.
For behind the façade of perfect lives
Lie echoes of unspoken sighs.

The curated self on display
In the theater of the digital play.
Yet amidst the noise we yearn for truth
Seeking solace in the fountain of youth.

So let us wield this tool with care
For in its grasp we are all ensnared.
May empathy and kindness reign
As we navigate the social terrain.