

Empty Nest
Empty Nest

Tired all the time,
Think I'm going to be sick.
Could it be? Yes!
Positive result on the stick!

Aching knees, tender breasts,
Butterflies in my tummy,
It's growing & kicking,
I'm going to be a mommy!

Colic; Hello, sleepless nights.
You cry if I stop rocking.
We stare, studying each other,
Eyes, intensely locking.

Feedings, diapers, teething,
Oh, what a terrible two,
Favorite words; "No & mine"
Little thumb sucker, how I love you!

Tying shoes, kissing booboos,
Playing hide & seek.
Giving dandelion bouquets,
With a kiss on mommy's cheek.

His first day of school,
I watched him get on the bus.
He was so excited,
I'm the one that made a fuss.

But, he made it home safely,
And couldn't wait to tell,
How he made new friends,
& liked his teacher really well.

The first of many moments,
Learning to let go.
Trying not to smother,
Giving them room to grow.

But, they grow up so fast,
Anxious to spread their wings.
Gone before you know it,
Along with many childhood things.

From training wheels,
To dirt bikes,
Power Rangers,
To the girl he likes.

From fishing to golf,
Baseball & football;
A competitive athlete,
He loves it all!

Getting his driver's license,
Well, we survived those teen years,
When he turned 21,
I bought the first of his legal beers.

Now grown, out on his own,
Trying to do his best.
I'm just an old lost mother,
Alone, with an empty nest.