A veil obscured my vision
For years on end
All human connection
Seen as machine
People laugh and banter
I play my part
Cynical perspective
Close at heart
Decorations seem lifeless
A fruitless gain
Happiness clouded
Less glass than grime
People automatons
Following whims
The value of being
Only in stares
Additions to family
Joy but fleeting
Overwhelming doom
Spliced with sadness
The news so present
Leave me alone
Suffering all day
Humanity in doubt
If we’re...
For years on end
All human connection
Seen as machine
People laugh and banter
I play my part
Cynical perspective
Close at heart
Decorations seem lifeless
A fruitless gain
Happiness clouded
Less glass than grime
People automatons
Following whims
The value of being
Only in stares
Additions to family
Joy but fleeting
Overwhelming doom
Spliced with sadness
The news so present
Leave me alone
Suffering all day
Humanity in doubt
If we’re...