

I tried to explain, I was a trainwreck.
You never believed me; you continued to check.
Would I give into the tactics you employed?
Lay with you in sin to fill the extreme void.
Though I clearly stated my exact position.
Came up with a plan for your despicable mission.
Bearing your familiar look of despair.
Your a small child needing continuous care.
Went on explaining my firmly held position.
Like a child you altered your disposition.
Desperately my soul pleads for atonement.
Life's barely fleeting from moment to moment.
Keep your wonton flesh away from my heart.
This useless game always rips me apart.
I put in my package for retirement.
I've had a lifetime of sordid excitement.
Experience is the only prize for enjoyment.
Take care or it could the end of your employment.

© 🥀 SpringRain