

#nature #fire #flames

Fire burning,
Eating away vulnerability,
Consuming the pain that it hates,
Spreading it's presence to others,
Holding tight to the center of a thing or being,
Trying it's best, among all,
To let all, become one, like them,
To fuel the battle happening in the now,
To break the silence,
Letting others have the chance to see,
It's bright light,
Glowing in the stillness of the land and within one's self,
And of the chaos reigning over it,
Growing and growing,
One another and one the other,
Forming, overlapping and intertwining in the midst,
Bursting through the paths of everything,
To those that were not a part of it,
Feeling it's flames as it burns,
Heating and burning, to the core,
Until what was lost, is lost,
And the remains that lies beneath,
Comes a phoenix rising among the ashes,
In the rock bottom of the aftermath.

© Renno B. Nel