

Dreams died
Somehow having fast friends shade my sorrows
Didn't stop my sobs from piercing my heart like sharp arrows.
Dusk that day dared destroy my dreams.
The night was filled with my scary screams.

It seemed like eternity while my heart skipped a beat.
My failures somehow got themselves printed on my brain as if she was a sheet.
Acquaintances refused to glance at my countenance.
My soul started questioning my obedience.
Dusk that day dared destroy my dreams.
The night echoed with my scary screams.

Wrapping myself in the corner of our cloakroom.
I let the shower wipe my wailing all while sniffing the last remains of my dad's perfume.
Accusations of betrayal and incapability washed along with that cold water.
All this time the dear dusk dared destroy my dreams.
The night gave the nightingale a chance to overrule my screams.

Wishing I were a faraway creature whistling and wasting my life away.
I replayed the events before dusk dared to do something.
Basket of roses took a leap and dragged those tiny jasmines,
Into the dreaded crime scene.
Asking papa for a ice cream,
I managed to make him hit the man with beautiful lilies and tulips.
Coldness outside the car licked my blue lips.
The man savoured the last moments of his misery looking at the red lights of our car snicker him a goodbye.
Dusk ushered rain to thrash my dreams.
Now all I could do was scream.

Will dawn tomorrow bring me any new dreams while this dusk destroyed my every single dream?