

I hate weekends
I hate weekends
For 90 percent of people, it's something they look forward to, as it's a time of rest and relaxation
And a chance to spend 2 days with those who matter the most
For me, it's just a wretched reminder of the void that I suppress during the busyness of the week
When you're faced with work and deadlines, feelings is the last thing on your mind
But when you have to put it all down on a quiet Friday evening, and you're faced with your own thoughts, it hits like a freight train
When you walk around the streets, seeing couples hand in hand
When you sit down to eat at a restaurant, for one, or when you open your phone and see no one yearn for your presence
Hookup culture was never something I found an interest in, as I'm a romantic through and through
And my generation has thrown away the value of true love
Friends or alcohol may perform as an Alzheimer for a couple hours, but it all comes crashing back the next day, and Monday cannot make his appearance sooner

Weekend loneliness, what an underrated torture