

"My Final day"by: Turay Ishmael

Echoes of Time: My final day
Beneath the twilight’s fading glow,
“Echoes of Time: My Final Day” does show.
In the canvas of life, a poignant display,
As shadows dance, I bid farewell today.
Whispers of moments, both joy and sorrow,
An anthology of life, I’ll leave tomorrow.
Sunset hues paint the sky so divine,
On this canvas of memories, I eternally sign.
A symphony of echoes, the past unfolds,
In the tapestry of existence, stories retold.
Each heartbeat a chapter, each breath a rhyme,
On my last day, I weave the fabric of time.
Through the corridors of yesterdays, I stroll,
Capturing fragments, a kaleidoscope of the soul.
From dawn’s embrace to twilight’s descent,
A lifetime’s journey, where memories are spent.
In the quiet hours, reflections intertwine,
A mosaic of choices, regrets, and sunshine.
On this final day, as the curtain descends,
I surrender to echoes, where silence mends.
Farewell to the stars, the moon, and the sea,
In the echo chamber of time, I find my decree.
Yet, as I depart from this earthly ballet,
“Echoes of Time” linger, my final say.