Living inside my head
Crowded in on all sides
Encumbered by these monstrous old boxes
Providing a torturous walk
Along moments past
A monument filled with shackles
Magnifying every flaw
Every failure
The heart grows weaker
While held captive
Fatigue creeps in
Weighting the soul
Slowing down life's pulse
Hope becomes eclipsed
Do I need all these boxes hidden away
Does a monumental memory lane of shackles
inspire growth
Or life
Inside ourselves
We become the villains in our lives
Every flaw and failure is invaluable
When overcome and let go
Each stride taken
Nurtures growth
Produces strength
They are not a reflection of weakness
But a story
Of a warrior
Facing adversary
Beaten down
Rising up
Victorious with each stride
Thank you, God, for showing me how I let the past hold me captive
I choose to let go and allow God to be my strength
I want to trust the journey
Appreciate the struggle
Knowing when it gets arduous
There is a breathtaking beauty
Just beyond those looming dark clouds
© TrishHare
Crowded in on all sides
Encumbered by these monstrous old boxes
Providing a torturous walk
Along moments past
A monument filled with shackles
Magnifying every flaw
Every failure
The heart grows weaker
While held captive
Fatigue creeps in
Weighting the soul
Slowing down life's pulse
Hope becomes eclipsed
Do I need all these boxes hidden away
Does a monumental memory lane of shackles
inspire growth
Or life
Inside ourselves
We become the villains in our lives
Every flaw and failure is invaluable
When overcome and let go
Each stride taken
Nurtures growth
Produces strength
They are not a reflection of weakness
But a story
Of a warrior
Facing adversary
Beaten down
Rising up
Victorious with each stride
Thank you, God, for showing me how I let the past hold me captive
I choose to let go and allow God to be my strength
I want to trust the journey
Appreciate the struggle
Knowing when it gets arduous
There is a breathtaking beauty
Just beyond those looming dark clouds
© TrishHare