

Eyes leering unfocused, yet eyeing beyond the scope of reality.
As if My mind is convinced of this life’s triviality.

Mesmerized by visions of lives never lived, yet lived vividly in my mind.
I’m told to keep walking, dream deeper: I reply in kind.

Curtains are drawn over my senses, I’ve lost all sensation.
Do I leave my dreams to live in reality or leave reality to live in my dreams? there’s no differentiation.

The hazy boundaries become evermore blurry,
As my mind races deeper in a hurry.

Maybe it truly does believe,
That In the depths of my dreams, lies my reprieve.

My visions diffuse, evolve into lives anew.
I walk towards with thoughts askew.

They tempt me to put reality on hold.
I oblige, in a manner quite bold.

Is it this life the one that's actually a dream?
Naught i can tell, as i follow the gleam.

I find success, happiness, bliss, tragedy and love.
As I walk staring blankly into vestiges of visions above.

© wolf’s cub

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