


Once more into the breach.
It will be our last battle together.
As we Scream our last Battle cries to
Odin, and the rest of the Gods, to let them know we're on our way.
As we rush on ward toward our enemies
As our hearts pound,
pumping the blood of our ancestors
through our veins the product of a 1,000 Generations of Warriors, lovers, blacksmiths, Craftsman, and farmers to bring us to this point in time.
When we may face the
soulless hordes one last time,
As we run through the open land,
As we feel the weight of our weapons strapped to our battle-worn bodies,and in our hands feeling the right balance.
And how well and truly crafted they are,
for we have honed our blades to a Razor's Edge, our guns are fully loaded, and of the finest quality.
For we know in the battle moments away that many will fall under our hail of bullets many will fall under the razor-sharp edge of our blades, so many of the enemy will fall beneath our feet.
Odin has heard our Battle Cry, for he has seen us make the final charge,
he knows that we will fall...........
Odin knows that we will take many enemies with us it will be a glorious day to die, and indeed to welcome us into the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.

By Jake Anderson
© Jake Anderson