

I have this friend
she and I had this big fall out.
We hadn't talked for weeks no texts no calls
or anything for about three weeks.
Well I fell out with her because when she's high and drinking she has no filter she says whatever comes to mind.
When she's high she's real rude she cuss
she talk about people like she's the judge that should have an opinion on whatever anyone say or do. She has this thing about hurting anyone that hurts her sometimes before they hurt her.
I think it's because some years back she was dismembered by someone that hurt her very bad.
I can't seem to get through to her on letting things that was done to her in the past go.
I can't seem to get through to her about forgiveness and how to forgive a person for their wrong doings.
She's not a bad person she's a good person really
and I love her I really do.
The other day
Out of the blue she texted me asking if we could still text and call each other if we could still be friends.
I was shocked....
So I wrote you...
Because like love, friend has been so messed up by so many people. So many people don't realize that this internet way of being a friend isn't the only way to be a friend or have a friend.

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