

End time
As time unwinds, and destiny draws near
The end of days, a reckoning to fear
The signs are clear, the warnings given
A call to awaken, before the final reckoning is driven

The Antichrist will rise, with deceit and guile
A false messiah, with a wicked smile
He'll promise peace, but bring only despair
And lead the world astray, with a false hope to share

But God's people will know, the truth will be clear
And they'll stand firm, without fear or peer
For they'll know their redeemer, and His promise to keep
And they'll be ready, for the day they'll meet

The day of the Lord, a day of great might
When Jesus returns, in all His light
The dead will rise, and the living will too
And all will be judged, by what they've done, it's true

The righteous will shine, like stars in the night
And the wicked will perish, in the lake of fire's light
But there's still hope, for those who will turn
To Jesus, the Savior, who'll forever yearn

To save the lost, and redeem the fallen
To give them eternal life, and a new heart to awaken
For God is love, and His mercy is great
And He desires all, to come to His gate