


rain drops fell upon the windowsill
Her eyes grew heavy, she forced down another pill

The thought of him turned to light, blurry and unsure
She knew it would cease to be this night, nevermore a cure

He waited alone for the train, the whistle in the blackness of the night
Hoping the metal would kill the pain, perhaps tame his unrelenting fright
The conductor had no idea of his fate, rushing along with a schedule to keep
Maybe his judgement was a bit too late, not knowing they both only longed for sleep

They once catered love, at a diner named Joy
A sweet and honest girl, a sturdy and careful boy
The special of the day was always their favorite dish
Never changing, like their hopes that started with a single wish

But one day changed, hopes lead them to a dead end of ancient dreams
Promises kept, some forgotten, all bursting at the silver lined, exhausted seams
Another pill, a few more buckets of water filled by the leaky ceiling above
The whistle sang louder, got closer, only intensifying his wishful thinking and love

The morning creeps closer as the cloud begin to part
The train derailed, much like the couple's bleeding hearts
Vomit and tears, sorrow and fears
A long walk home, and a ringing cellular phone