

Coucou Angela
Coucou, Coucou Angela,
Says the writer.
Three years of waiting for an answer .
But the emptiness of your words is what the scribbler hears.
Long suffering he felt and the emptiness he saw but he was too slow to step the words from forming treasures he valued.
He just scribbled his words on empty sheets of hope.

Ça va fait long temps
He wonders if you could still hear him.
Three years of gathering memories
Three years of hosting memories up highin the sky where it could shine bright, where we could hold on to it as treasures we never lost.
Where it could wipe away the hot tears behind our sheets.

Coucou Angela, Coucou.
Three years of hosting memories of stars up high,
where you never dim a night,
the writer says.
Continue to shine your answers through light as he scribbles it to see a lot of memories that fades not.
Rest easily dear,
Rest on the memories of our hearts.
Coucou Angela, Coucou
Dice el escritor.