

Songs of Solace: Embracing Love's Light in the Shadows
In the depths of darkness, where light refuses to shine,
We find ourselves plunged into the abyss, alone in our decline.
Lost and forsaken, our hearts and minds at war,
In the echo of our own despair, we yearn for something more.

In these moments, we long to flee, to escape the pain's cruel hold,
To weep, to scream, to seek refuge in the cold.
Yet, amidst the chaos, we question, we plead,
For answers to mysteries, for solace in our need.

In the haze of confusion, clarity eludes our grasp,
As our hearts whisper of being lost, in this endless, shadowed lapse.
But fear not, dear one, for in this tumultuous flight,
Know that you are cherished, bathed in love's eternal light.

Let me enfold your spirit, let me offer solace true,
For you are never abandoned, this I promise you.
The Divine watches over, with angels by your side,
Guiding, guarding, loving, in their celestial stride.

Have faith, dear one, in the power that lies within,
Believe in the angels, whose presence dwells unseen.
For as you embrace their love, their essence draws near,
And in their tender embrace, you'll banish every fear.

Hence trust in the unseen, in the whispers of the soul,
For in their silent presence, you'll find a peace to make you whole.
You are never alone, dear heart, in this cosmic dance we share,
For The Devine and his angels walk beside you, in love and tender care.

© aquilatarazed

Writing challenge with @vultura
Day 3
Theme: Belief

#writingchallenge #belief #lostsoul #protected #loved #faith #aquilatarazed