

A fall before bloom - Ella Vickie
I woke up every morning
Just to look out the window
hope dancing in my huge wild eyes

I went back to bed
Closing the window
with disappointment flooding my head

The tree in our garden was not blooming
No matter how long I watched
it never did

Rather leaves fell day and night
And that was what I called entertainment
Watching the leaves gracefully dance in the air

Swinging in a way no being has ever done
and landing as gracefully as ever on the soil

It looked like perfection but I hated it
I needed the tree to grow, not to deteriorate

Day and night
I watched from the window
hoping still that the tree will bloom

And it did after years and years of rain
After years of threatening winds
It bloomed and took deeper roots
Looking back to the years when I was a child,
I now understand why those leaves had to fall