

sometimes I wonder,
it feels as though I'm split into
that there is half of me that lives and the
other half watches as I do
and nomatter where I go I'm only there in part
how can there be two lives inside one body
and one heart, I'm here,yet always elsewhere,
a piece, half with eyes tuned into the sky
the other half watching where I tread
until I'm mourning loosing moments haven't
even seen end,practicing goodbye on those yet to call a friend,and I'm left holding the question of which half is really me,
what if one is who I really am,and the other
is whom I hope to be, yet I cause myself in circles trying to live as part of each,
what if I place my worth inside a half ill never reach my whole, somehow its causing illusions in my mind, trying to convince me my lifès
not just Mine, but shared with different versions of myself ,and I'm feeling crazy ish I've never felt,having thoughts I wanna believe aren't truly mine, ok who.is really in control
of my mind!
© Kimb8343