

Look at me... No...lo..look at me
Look at monster you created
Did you listen? Did you listen to my screams and plea?

I begged and begged but you turned a deaf ear
I did the only thing I could at the moment and found the biggest smile I could wear.

Avoiding questions that would stir up the waterworks
But still be there for those who need help instead of me just being a sitting duck.

You weren't there when I needed you so you have no right to talk
What?..what did you just say? Oh you don't know me..ofcourse you don't know me because all you did was talk the talk but you weren't ready to walk the walk.

Don't come here acting self righteous and innocent
You never gave me what I needed to survive and the little you did give me was never a hundred percent.

Before you come here to talk about how you had been betrayed by me
Ask yourself this....was I caring and patient enough to listen when she voiced out her plea?
© Dora24