

Symphony of Solace
She revels in singing the shattered laments of
her heart beneath the ebony ceramic sky, when her heart feels drenched and her body feels weary.

She finds solace in gazing at the moon, which peers at her as the glimmering tints on her face radiate brightly under the canopy of stars.

She adores the rhythmic dance of ocean waves,
witnessing the tranquility within her intricate
heart and allowing her imagination to roam within their depths.

She delights in writing within the cynosure of her polished heart, envisioning herself flowing with the rivers of the Himalayas.

She takes pleasure in listening to the melodious voices of the delicate nightingales, coaxing the withered flowers to bloom anew within her heart.

She enjoys sitting by the banks of her poetic river, observing her phantom thoughts meandering within it.

She watches as her ineffable thoughts are transcribed onto the horizons of the azure earth, with the ink of stardust dipped into the oceanic ink pot, and adorned with crushed rose petals.

© vibhuti