

Mended with gold..
Casted with iron..
Yet the value of that precious thing,
remained unbeaten.

So now I knew how it feels,
'True happiness' is also a precious 'thing',
that can be attained,
If one's surroundings are good..
I'm sure you can agree to that.

That's the reality
which creates..
my attitute,
and it's all
within my control.
Hence you will never in a million years..
hear me say,
"Today was the worst day! "


Meaning : The poem basically tells that in this world, people have this belief that owing to 'precious' materialistic goods bring great amount of happiness or social status. But they never have the contemplation of looking within themselves or through surroundings that a good sense of happiness or satisfaction can also be gained from within, i.e. inside us, if viewed calmly. So, in this manner, after having realized its true sense the reality itself gets easier to uplift noble-mindedness attitude, rather than being selfish or meagre. And there it transforms into.."Today is my best dayyyyy! ☺"

[I wrote this poem back in December 2018, which is undeniably my first poem (sort of).🌿🙌] # Do suggest a title if you have, haha! #

© poonam_hzk