

My world
My world
U r the only gal that I can die for,
Together we r lyk an arrow n a bow,
I jst hope u've discovered hw ur love meks me wanna go,
Every single moment I'm loving u mo n mo,
Wen u text me hi o hello,
Deep inside I can feel my heart glow,
And wen u miss me my heart feels lyk it wants to blow,
In all the gals that I kno,
U r the most beautiful n perfecto.

Loving u hs been my passion,
And it hs also been my intention,
Wen I look at u I see perfection,
I gatta say u r God's most beautiful creation,
I'll love u frm season t season,
And I'll b with u in every situation,
Ur love meks me get lost in an imagination,
And ur love is the only explanation,
Coz I don't think I can give u any other rison,
Wen I get a prob looking at ur texts r always my solution,
By the way ur love's makin' me go thru hypnotization.
© #Silver Walker