

broken home

A broken home is a painful thing,

A wound that never seems to heal.

The walls that once held love and joy,

Are now shattered and unreal.

The memories of laughter and smiles,

Are now replaced with tears and fears.

The family that once was strong,

Is now broken, shattered, and unclear.

The children who once felt safe and loved,

Are now lost, hurt, and alone.

Their world has been turned upside down,

And they struggle to find a home.

The air is thick with tension,

As I walk through the door.

The silence is deafening,

As I cross the threshold once more.

The walls are worn and faded,

The carpet is stained and frayed.

The furniture is broken,

Like the promises we made.

The memories are haunting,

As I wander through each room.

The laughter and the love,

Now replaced with pain and gloom.

The broken home we once had,

Now shattered and undone.

The love that we once shared,

Now lost and gone.

© hyimxng