

Confusion sneaked out in my heart like a sunrise,
Slowly crept in my old and rusty bed,
Plucking all my hair strands,
Searching for doors in the thick skull of my head,
Hunting for the lengthy conversations,
That we bled during late of the night,
But I thrust it out in the window,
To be dissolved by honey-coloured light,
But I am wrong to the thought that light is enough to scare it away,
When I saw it happily wafting and drifting,
With the bastard Love in the air
So I searched for a star in a broad daylight,
And delighted to find one,
It exuded me its prolix word of advices,
That made the starlight of my eye to collapsed into my hands
Give time to judge and think ,
Because confusion is holding your back,
Listen to its message because it will help you from not falling in the trap.
© claude_writes