

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York birds like to fly,  ducks enjoy more,  sea waves feel its voice,  joyful trees dance along.

When the wind blows in a sunset New York the Sun beholds the clouds, cheerfully smiles, stopping the night to come.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York a thousand colors make love in the sky, clouds and buildings hug each other in a rainbow dancing shine.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York  inspiration arrives, writers create stories with   its magical voice.

When the wind blows in  a sunset in New York storms may arise, find their way, feel alive.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York broken hearts laugh, finding endless peace touched by its calm.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York perfect waves are shaped, the sea finds a peaceful way to bright.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York people always find hope, it could be cold but the wind and the colors of the sun secretly make them warm.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York
sparkles in the water laugh and glow. They find a mirror in the sea to show. Reflections of the  skyline frame are perfectly painted by the brush of New York sun.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York you can see people's dreams flying along in every color on the sky, struggling to come true, finding a way to survive.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York I secretly smile watching myself inmersed in the colors of the sun .

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York art is totally exposed, fully hearty. Art is dancing there, artists are invited to join this colorful party.  You can find yourself there to create,  whatever it is in your head,to feel its touch. Photographers, writers,  dancers....they all go there to enjoy.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York little kids have fun, riding their bikes, just showing their innocents smiles.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York couples kiss, laugh, hug, sharing their love, finding new smiles inside the colors of the sun.

When the wind blows in a sunset in New York I find myself writing for hours on a bench like today, reading endless words inmersed in the lights of the sun with no rest, listening to the voice of silence singed by the wind, not willing to stop until the sun goes.

Everything could happen, all you can imagine, my world is full of magic only when the wind blows in a unique wonderful sunset in New York.
