

I'm like.......
I'm like a Bollywood Star.
A Superhero on the Silver Screen.
When U shout My Name and cry for Help.
I'll be the first, to arrive on the Scene.
I'm like a Knight in shining Armour.
The Prince Charming in your Dream.
When U have a Nightmare, My Darlings.
I'm the first, who will hear U Scream.
I'm like a Billionaire, with all His Millions.
I'm Handsome, with a Heart of Gold.
Girls out there, simply drool over Me
and find their Man, far too Cold.
I'm like Mandrake, the famous Magician.
Who's always got a Trick, up His sleeve.
But in reality, I simply don't Exist.
I'm just a Dream, U wish to Believe.

© Savio Fonseca
#Love&love #Love&love💞 #Life&Life #yqwriter #relationships #writer #poem #words #writco #thoughts